Thursday, February 23, 2006

States Rights and Roe

I love how so many people's take on abortion is "Roe is a bad decision, let's leave it up to the states to decide." Look, it just aint so. We're not talking about taxes, we're talking about giving a woman, and not random men, control over her body and her life. Every woman in this country has that right; it's not something that should be unique to living in a blue state. So many of the states are populated by batshit crazy wingnuts that they would gladly take her rights away were it not for Roe. Furthermore, if Roe were overturned, do you really think the nutjobs would stop there and not try to pass a federal law outlawing abortion?

Well, here's the latest on states rights - South Dakota has just made abortion illegal. It's time to see if Roe can stand against Roberts and Alito.

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