Monday, February 06, 2006

Gonzo Blogging

Catch Georgia10 at dkos and Redhedd at Firedoglake rip into Abu. Here's just one point:

Again, if the President believes he has inherent authority to eavesdrop on Al Qaeda, why doesn't his order apply to domestic Al Qaeda calls? Why would he chose instead to implement a secret program, kept hidden even from a secret court? Gonzales has yet to provide an answer to this critical question. His lack of a proper response suggests the program may be used for a much more nefarious purpose than stopping another attack.

If Gonzo came clean he could bring down this entire sham of an administration. Which, of course, is why he'll just keep lying.

Update: to that list I'll also add Glenn Greenwald, Leah, John Aravosis, and props to Atrios for the links.

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