Wednesday, February 08, 2006


As we are fighting a war and the administration is bogged down in at least a dozen major scandals, I'm glad to know the NYT realizes what is really newsworthy:

Democrats are heading into this year's elections in a position weaker than they had hoped for, party leaders say, stirring concern that they are letting pass an opportunity to exploit what they see as widespread Republican vulnerabilities.

That's right folks, Democrats in disarray. That is all you need to know. This is what matters. That Democrats are spineless and hopeless and therefore are completely incapable of governing or doing anything correctly.

Although the media is partly to blame, so are our elected party officials who keep fueling this meme.

"We seem to be losing our voice when it comes to the basic things people worry about," Mr. Dodd said.

Mr. Obama said the Democratic Party had not seized the moment, adding: "We have been in a reactive posture for too long. I think we have been very good at saying no, but not good enough at saying yes."

It does the party absolutely no good when all people hear it talk about is a lack of direction and its own failings. Stop talking about yourselves in a negative sense, stop talking about what you "should" be doing, instead, get out there and say who you are, what you stand for and what you are going to do. It is just that simple - be positive and constructive. Do you ever see Republicans talk like this? The party needs to take action against any Democrat who gives into this temptation to self-flagellate himself in public.

In related news, Ned Lamont has received the 1,000 in state signatures he was looking to get. Time to replace a fake Democrat with a real one.

Update: Matt Stoller weighs in on the same issues.

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