Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Quick, to the Spinmobile!

Pandering? Grandstanding? No, not Schumer about port security, but the Preznit.

President Bush visited one of the nation's leading producers of energy-efficient technologies on Monday and hailed the company's innovations as proof that the United States can one day wean itself off foreign oil.

Speaking at Johnson Controls, a Fortune 500 company that produces batteries for hybrid vehicles and energy-saving devices for buildings, Bush said, "In order to seize the moment, this country needs to remain technologically advanced."

The boy blunder is at it again. Bush can publicly talk about alternative energy all he wants, and the media can ooh and aah over him like a parent watching his child play with a new toy, but reality speaks for itself. When all of the President's budgets have cut funding for alternative energy and given windfall tax cuts and profits to old energy - coal and oil - companies, when only a day after the State of the Union, in which Bush gave line about oil addiction and the U.S. would decrease its dependency on foreign oil by 75%, the administration had to publicly retract that statement, when Bush continues to deny that global warming is happening, these all point to the fact that Bush is full of shit.

America needs leadership to switch to a new model of energy production and consumption, but saying Bush is the one to do it is like saying Tom DeLay should lead ethics reform. This is nothing more than a PR stunt to make Bush forward looking, and "oil addiction" is some cheap marketing phrase designed to play well with audiences. We all know that this administration does not lead, all it does is give the appearance of leading. That is what this latest marketing ploy is about. It is nothing more than this year's version of Mars.

Update: Ooops - those renewable energy analysts were not supposed to be laid off, were they?

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