Friday, January 13, 2006

Borkemada Blogging, Day 5

The Dems' witnesses are slamming Borkemada for limiting civil and voting rights. This is what the hearings should have been about, not Borkemada's kabuki.

In Bork's own words:

BLITZER: Very diplomatic answer, I must say. How do you think he handled himself?

BORK: Very well. He's walking away from a lot of things. That was one example.

BLITZER: Including you, right.

BORK: Yes.

BLITZER: So why do you say he handled himself very well?

BORK: The object nowadays is to get confirmed. People will say pretty much -- or avoid saying pretty much in order to get confirmed.

There you have it. After Borkemada's lovefest with Bork, it's not going to get any more honest than that. Bork may be crazy, but at least he's honest.

It would be a crime if this man is confirmed right after Martin Luther King Day.

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