Wednesday, January 11, 2006

More BorkAlito Blogging, Day 3

Kennedy had a spat with Specter in which Specter got his ass kicked.

DeWine: Lavish us with your brilliant intellect.

Feinstein: You've shelved the trophy for equanimity. You suck.

Sessions (who loosk like an evil elf): Boy you're smart.

Feingold: You're full of it and you love the death penalty, that's pretty sick.

Graham: We'll scratch your back and let you off the hook for everything if you scratch ours and let us off the hook for everything illegal DeLay/Abramoff we've ever done. But Ted Kennedy is an embarassment.

I have lost any shred of respect I had for Lindsay Graham. His entire approach to making fun of
the hearings is nothing short of disgusting. He gave a tirade on how BorkAlito must be confirmed because of his stirling character, yet BorkAlito has lied about CAP, stare decisis, Bork, and Roe. That demonstrates a flawed and pathetic character. All the more reason to stop this nomination.

Schumer: You say you believe in settled law and Roe, but why can't you give us a straight answer on whether Roe is settled?

Alito: I think I was more forthcoming about those other settled law questions. I should've taped my mouth shut.

Cornyn is trying to prove that BorkAlito opponents are crazy because they were going to call a a witness who believes that the killing animals for food and other products is the same thing as the holocaust. What I want to know is how is this guy any more crazy than Sen. Coburn, who believes that we're schizophrenic because we're ok with prostitution but don't care for "unborn" people. If this isn't a tractor calling a spade, I don't know what is. Cornyn is as batshit crazy as Coburn.

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