Monday, January 09, 2006

ScAlito Hearings

Let the games begin. Watch live on C-Span here.

(12:56 pm) Grassley seems a little miffed about the Alito's flirtations with dictatorship, but he's going to vote for him.

(12:58 pm) Biden's calling ScAlito out for what he is. Why can't he be this good all the time? Why does he have to sponsor MBNA legislation?

(2:20 pm) Graham: It's OK to lie to get employed (like ScAlito lying to the Reagan administration about Roe), so you're OK with us. Translation: You will do as we say. IOKIYAR.

(2:24 pm) Graham: This is revenge for Ginsberg. BURN COMMIES! BURN!!!!!!

(2:30 pm) Schumer: You're out of touch with the 3rd circuit, bitch. You may be all down with worshipping King George, but we're not. Baseball metaphor: you'd make a crappy umpire.

(2:38 pm) Cornyn: You are the son of god and I could not kiss a finer, whiter ass. Democrats who vote against you are liberal special interest groups who worship Satan. Liberals are out to push an agenda so pinko that they will never pass the mainstream while conservatives and reactionaries are all about the mainstream and have no agenda. (Aside: I love how these Repubs never actually discuss actual laws and facts)

(2:42 pm) Cornyn: The Supreme Court has been repressing religion (WTF?). You have a good, neutral record on the 3rd circuit. Porn should be outlawed.

(2:46 pm) Durbin: You bear the burden of proof to see if you can succeed O'Connor. The SC is what gave us racial integration and marriage, not Congress. We all know you're a rightwing nutjob, why can't you just own up to it?

(2:55 pm) Brownback: ScAlito has stood up for minorities, 4 times. Count it. On both your hands. And feet. Four times. Politics should be politics, legal should be legal. (When will people realize that there's no clear line between the two? Besides, doesn't Congress make laws?) The courts can't write or execute law, but they can say what the law is.

(3:04 pm) Brownback: Zygotes are people too, and the left are mass murderers.

(3:06 pm) Coburn: When did we decide it was legal to kill our unborn children? (Just a definitive issue here, but if it's unborn, how can it be a child?) We can protect sodomy but not prostitution. We need a foundation created by god in order to govern.

(3:35 pm) ScAlito: I'm a big supporters of women's education. (Then PLEASE explain your involvement with CAP)

I forget when, but Feingold came out guns blazing. He's still our man.

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