Saturday, January 21, 2006

Chris Matthews Is a Tool

If you haven't seen the video of Tweety comparing Osama to an over-the-top Michael Moore, please do. Besides the obvious ridiculousness and hypocrisy of this moment, which has been enumerated by the blogs, and even John Kerry, I was struck by a comparison to a similar event.

It was back in June when Dick Durbin (D-IL) read an FBI report aloud in the Senate that described conditions at Gitmo and then said that you'd expect to see that in a Soviet gulag or somewhere similar, but not the U.S. The GOP and the media went batshit on him, calling on him to apologize and attacking him for hurting this country and the almighty war on terror, which he eventually did.

A Democratic member of Congress read aloud from an FBI report, and offered an interpretation. He is sacked.

This time around, a member of the supposed non-partisan and unbiased established media offers a comparison between a known mass murdering terrorist and an outspoken far left filmmaker. There is no outrage. No one in the media cares or even runs this story. Matthews is doubly a tool because 1. the association is ridiculous, and please fill me in on the last time Michael Moore killed thousands of people, and 2. he's a member of the "unbiased" media, not a member of the opposing party in Congress.

Chris, you're soooo brokeback.

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